remove Campaign School for Women
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Campaign School Online Training

You’ve decided to run for elected office!  Congratulations, and thank you!  Nova Scotia needs more women like to you at all levels of government.

You have a lot to offer. Each one of us can make valuable contributions to public discourse and policy in our communities.

Considering elected political leadership is one way to make your mark and bring your voice to the table. While you may encounter obstacles, barriers, and challenges throughout your political career, remember that, whether it is a skill, education, life experience, passion, or commitment, your voice can help balance public discourse and the decisions made by our elected officials.

Each module includes helpful self-assessment and reflection tools related to the module’s content. You may want to download the worksheets, as well as the module booklet, before beginning the module through the links below. You can pause and complete the worksheets when prompted during the modules, or save the worksheets until the end. Do as much or as little as you need, in whatever order makes sense for you.

Let's get started!